S&P 500
(0.32%) 5 116.17 points
Dow Jones
(0.38%) 38 386 points
(0.35%) 15 983 points
(-1.36%) $82.71
(6.60%) $2.05
(0.04%) $2 348.10
(-0.24%) $27.47
(4.02%) $959.20
(-0.23%) $0.933
(-0.34%) $10.99
(-0.54%) $0.796
(1.66%) $93.40

Sanntidsoppdatering for Star Health and Allied [STARHEALTH.NS]

Børs: NSE Sektor: Financial Services Industri: Insurance—Diversified
Sist oppdatert29 apr 2024 @ 12:00

0.27% INR 561.50

Live Chart Being Loaded With Signals

Commentary (29 apr 2024 @ 12:00):

Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Limited provides health insurance products. It offers retail health products to various customer segments, including individuals, families, students, and senior citizens, as well as persons with pre-existing medical conditions across the middle-market customer segment; and group health insurance policies provide to employees of corporates, including SMEs through company health insurance plans...

Dagens volum 304 173
Gjennomsnittsvolum 696 295
Markedsverdi 328.64B
EPS INR2.10 ( 2023-10-31 )
Last Dividend INR0 ( N/A )
Next Dividend INR0 ( N/A )
P/E 41.59
ATR14 INR0.511 (0.09%)

Volum Korrelasjon

Lang: 0.00 (neutral)
Kort: -0.18 (neutral)
Signal:(29.771) Neutral

Star Health and Allied Korrelasjon

10 Mest positive korrelasjoner
10 Mest negative korrelasjoner

Visste du det?

Korrelasjon er en statistisk måling som beskriver forholdet mellom to variabler. Den varierer fra -1 til 1, hvor -1 indikerer en perfekt negativ korrelasjon (hvor en variabel øker, går den andre ned), 1 indikerer en perfekt positiv korrelasjon (hvor en variabel øker, går den andre også opp), og 0 indikerer ingen korrelasjon (det er ingen forhold mellom variablene).

Korrelasjon kan brukes til å analysere forholdet mellom to variabler, ikke bare aksjer. Det er vanligvis brukt innen områder som finans, økonomi, psykologi, og mer.

Star Health and Allied Korrelasjon - Valuta/Råvare

The country flag 0.00
( neutral )
The country flag 0.13
( neutral )
The country flag 0.54
( weak )
The country flag 0.02
( neutral )
The country flag -0.50
( neutral )
The country flag 0.31
( neutral )

Star Health and Allied Økonomi

Annual 2022
Omsetning: INR120.96B
Bruttogevinst: INR120.96B (100.00 %)
EPS: INR10.70
FY 2022
Omsetning: INR120.96B
Bruttogevinst: INR120.96B (100.00 %)
EPS: INR10.70
FY 2022
Omsetning: INR107.24B
Bruttogevinst: INR107.24B (100.00 %)
EPS: INR-18.65
FY 2021
Omsetning: INR61.69B
Bruttogevinst: INR0.00 (0.00 %)
EPS: INR-16.54

Financial Reports:

No articles found.

Star Health and Allied

Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Limited provides health insurance products. It offers retail health products to various customer segments, including individuals, families, students, and senior citizens, as well as persons with pre-existing medical conditions across the middle-market customer segment; and group health insurance policies provide to employees of corporates, including SMEs through company health insurance plans. The company also provides personal accident and travel insurance. It distributes its products through individual agents, brokers, corporate agent banks, other corporate agents, and online channel partners comprising web aggregators, as well as directly to customers. As of September 30, 2021, the company had 779 health insurance branches across 25 states and 5 union territories in India. Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Limited was incorporated in 2005 and is based in Chennai, India.

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