S&P 500
(0.36%) 5 118.28 points
Dow Jones
(0.40%) 38 393 points
(0.47%) 16 002 points
(-1.51%) $82.58
(4.42%) $2.01
(0.33%) $2 355.00
(0.21%) $27.59
(4.30%) $961.75
(-0.25%) $0.932
(-0.36%) $10.98
(-0.54%) $0.796
(1.72%) $93.45

Sanntidsoppdatering for KNR Constructions Limited [KNRCON.NS]

Børs: NSE Sektor: Industrials Industri: Engineering & Construction
Sist oppdatert29 apr 2024 @ 12:00

0.84% INR 268.95

Live Chart Being Loaded With Signals

Commentary (29 apr 2024 @ 12:00):

KNR Constructions Limited, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the construction, engineering, and infrastructure development businesses in India...

Dagens volum 1.70M
Gjennomsnittsvolum 988 327
Markedsverdi 75.64B
EPS INR0 ( 2024-02-07 )
Neste inntjeningsdato ( INR4.93 ) 2024-05-27
Last Dividend INR0.250 ( 2023-09-22 )
Next Dividend INR0 ( N/A )
P/E 13.24
ATR14 INR0.236 (0.09%)

Volum Korrelasjon

Lang: -0.62 (weak negative)
Kort: -0.79 (moderate negative)
Signal:(39.501) Neutral

KNR Constructions Limited Korrelasjon

10 Mest positive korrelasjoner
10 Mest negative korrelasjoner

Visste du det?

Korrelasjon er en statistisk måling som beskriver forholdet mellom to variabler. Den varierer fra -1 til 1, hvor -1 indikerer en perfekt negativ korrelasjon (hvor en variabel øker, går den andre ned), 1 indikerer en perfekt positiv korrelasjon (hvor en variabel øker, går den andre også opp), og 0 indikerer ingen korrelasjon (det er ingen forhold mellom variablene).

Korrelasjon kan brukes til å analysere forholdet mellom to variabler, ikke bare aksjer. Det er vanligvis brukt innen områder som finans, økonomi, psykologi, og mer.

KNR Constructions Limited Korrelasjon - Valuta/Råvare

The country flag 0.11
( neutral )
The country flag 0.29
( neutral )
The country flag 0.53
( weak )
The country flag 0.15
( neutral )
The country flag -0.53
( weak negative )
The country flag -0.10
( neutral )

KNR Constructions Limited Økonomi

Annual 2022
Omsetning: INR40.62B
Bruttogevinst: INR14.30B (35.21 %)
EPS: INR16.29
FY 2022
Omsetning: INR40.62B
Bruttogevinst: INR14.30B (35.21 %)
EPS: INR16.29
FY 2022
Omsetning: INR33.09B
Bruttogevinst: INR8.58B (25.93 %)
EPS: INR13.58
FY 2021
Omsetning: INR27.37B
Bruttogevinst: INR7.42B (27.10 %)
EPS: INR14.49

Financial Reports:

No articles found.

KNR Constructions Limited Dividends

(Q3/22) (Q4/22) (Q1/23) (Q2/23) (Q3/23) (Q4/23) (Q1/24) (Q2/24) (Q3/24) (Q4/24)

KNR Constructions Limited Dividend Information - Dividend Junior

Dividend Sustainability Score: 4.50 - low (49.45%) | Divividend Growth Potential Score: 5.82 - Stable (16.36%)

Very Unsafe

High risk of being cut


Heightened risk of being cut


Moderate risk of being cut


Unlikely to be cut

Very Safe

Very unlikely to be cut

First Dividend INR0.100 2008-09-23
Last Dividend INR0.250 2023-09-22
Next Dividend INR0 N/A
Payout Date 0000-00-00
Next Payout Date N/A
# dividends 16 --
Total Paid Out INR2.85 --
Avg. Dividend % Per Year 0.08% --
Score 2.24 --
Div. Sustainability Score 4.50
Div.Growth Potential Score 5.82
Div. Directional Score 5.16 --
Next Divdend (Est)
INR0.260 Estimate 3.11 %
Dividend Stability
0.25 Very Poor
Dividend Score
Pay Frequency
Yearly Payout
Year Amount Yield
2008 INR0 0.00%
2009 INR0 0.00%
2010 INR0 0.00%
2011 INR0 0.00%
2012 INR0 0.00%
2013 INR0 0.00%
2014 INR0 0.00%
2015 INR0 0.00%
2016 INR0 0.00%
2017 INR0 0.00%
2018 INR0.200 0.12%
2019 INR0.200 0.19%
2020 INR0.250 0.20%
2021 INR0.250 0.15%
2022 INR0.250 0.08%
2023 INR0.250 0.09%
2024 INR0 0.00%

Dividend Commentary

The company's low Dividend Sustainability Score (DSS) highlights potential challenges in upholding its current dividend levels. However, its Dividend Growth Potential Score (DGPS) is only moderate, indicating limited growth potential. On the whole, the dividend outlook remains neutral, meriting close observation of both the company's financial health and growth prospects.

Top 10 dividend Companies for NSE

Symbol Title Last dividend Frequency Years Dividend Yearly Dividend Score
TTKPRESTIG.NS Dividend Junior 2023-07-21 Annually 20 0.43%
PLASTIBLEN.NS Dividend Junior 2023-06-23 Annually 18 1.26%
JKTYRE.NS Dividend Junior 2023-07-27 Annually 17 0.91%
DIAMONDYD.NS Dividend Junior 2023-07-27 Annually 7 0.06%
360ONE.NS Dividend Knight 2023-07-28 Semi-Annually 6 2.85%
SOMANYCERA.NS Dividend Junior 2023-08-18 Annually 23 0.39%
MOIL.NS Dividend Knight 2023-09-08 Semi-Annually 14 2.38%
HDFCBANK.NS Dividend Junior 2023-05-16 Annually 28 0.58%
BHANDARI.NS Dividend Junior 2023-09-22 Annually 8 0.18%
RAJRATAN.NS Dividend Junior 2023-07-27 Annually 4 0.12%

Dividend Sustainability Score (DSS)

RatioActual ValueWeightNormalized ValueScoreRange
netProfitMarginTTM0.1341.5007.3210.00[0 - 0.5]
returnOnAssetsTTM01.20000[0 - 0.3]
returnOnEquityTTM0.1971.5008.9210.00[0.1 - 1]
payoutRatioTTM0-1.00000[0 - 1]
currentRatioTTM00.800-5.00-4.00[1 - 3]
quickRatioTTM00.800-4.71-3.76[0.8 - 2.5]
cashRatioTTM01.500-1.111-1.667[0.2 - 2]
debtRatioTTM0-1.50000[0 - 0.6]
interestCoverageTTM8.711.0007.897.89[3 - 30]
operatingCashFlowPerShareTTM11.702.006.1010.00[0 - 30]
freeCashFlowPerShareTTM11.702.004.158.30[0 - 20]
debtEquityRatioTTM0-1.50000[0 - 2.5]
grossProfitMarginTTM0.3411.0007.657.65[0.2 - 0.8]
operatingProfitMarginTTM0.1821.0008.358.35[0.1 - 0.6]
cashFlowToDebtRatioTTM01.000-1.111-1.111[0.2 - 2]
assetTurnoverTTM00.800-3.33-2.67[0.5 - 2]
Total Score4.50

Dividend Growth Score (DGS)

RatioActual ValueWeightNormalized ValueScoreRange
peRatioTTM13.401.0008.750[1 - 100]
returnOnEquityTTM0.1972.509.3110.00[0.1 - 1.5]
freeCashFlowPerShareTTM11.702.006.108.30[0 - 30]
dividendYielPercentageTTM0.09181.5007.700[0 - 0.4]
operatingCashFlowPerShareTTM11.702.006.1010.00[0 - 30]
payoutRatioTTM01.50000[0 - 1]
pegRatioTTM0.6721.5008.860[0.5 - 2]
operatingCashFlowSalesRatioTTM0.07721.000-0.5690[0.1 - 0.5]
Total Score5.82

KNR Constructions Limited

KNR Constructions Limited, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the construction, engineering, and infrastructure development businesses in India. The company provides engineering, procurement, and construction services for roads, highways, bridges and flyovers, expressways, viaducts, irrigation, urban water infrastructure management, agriculture, and commercial and residential projects. The company also undertakes BOT and HAM projects. KNR Constructions Limited was incorporated in 1995 and is based in Hyderabad, India.

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